Ah, that spiritual feeling of having a tummy full of chocolate eggs. It's not really in the spirit of the whole resurrection thing, is it? Unless you eat enough of them that you then resurrect your lunch, and the chocolate, all over the floor.
If there's one lesson we can all take from Easter it's this - children don't know when to stop.
That's a fact. If you're feeding your child and you're thinking, they'll let me know when they're full, think back to your childhood. Think back to Easter. And think back to forcing that chocolate down even though you're going to vom any second. Children don't know. Or they don't care. Either way, they'll keep on eating and next thing you know your child will be on one of those ten ton toddler morning television specials.
And nobody wants that.
That's an important Easter lesson. But then, I shouldn't judge. I'll eat myself silly until I feel ill and then still find room for desert. Mmmmm...ice cream. I should get some ice cream now. It's early but, hey, it's Easter!
Happy Easter everyone!
"It's not really in the spirit of the whole resurrection thing, is it? Unless you eat enough of them that you then resurrect your lunch, and the chocolate, all over the floor."
Yeah, like WE adults are more sensible, specially when it comes to that one last shot of Tequila you take at the party, and it's all cool until... why is the room spinning? Whoaaaaa...*SPLAT!* and you collapse on the floor.
I think the best diet remedy would be for doctors to place the patient's brain in the abdomen, nearest to the stomach, that way the neural signals that are supposed to inform you that you're full won't take so much to reach the central nerve system :-)
Feliz Pascua
It's all the fault of the chocolate peanut butter eggs. They will do it to you every time.
I wish you and your family a very very happy holiday. Or should I say "HOPPY" holiday?
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