Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dark mornings

Getting up while it's dark is just not right. It's against all laws of nature. Well, except for nocturnal animals like owls or vampires or whatever. But, for we dayturnal creatures, night is for sleep.

So why does my alarm clock go off when it's still night?

It's just not right.

It's around this time of year that I propose my hibernation plan. Every human on the nothern hemisphere should hibernate from the months of October to March. Or perhaps beginning in November, just to give time for people to get things ready.

We'd stock up on food, DVDs, games and so on and then just lock ourselves away for those months. Nobody would go anywhere. Nobody would do any work. And then, in the spring time, we'd all get back to it totally refreshed and ready for anything.

Don't worry about the world during those unproductive months. We'd adjust. In fact, it may turn out we never needed them at all. In animation, it is the norm to work stupid hours and have no life coming up to deadlines. When I first got into a position where I could call the shots, I put an end to that where I was. I actively forced people out of the building to go home. And, once people realised that they only had a certain amount of hours to get their work done, they adjusted, worked harder and smarter and got the same amount of work done in fewer hours.

I suspect that could work on a far larger scale.

And we'd always have the southern hemispherers to keep things going, just like we northerners would when they get their hibernation.

If I ever run for Ruler Of The Known Universe, that will be one of my core policies.


Toole said...

I love to get up at 3:30. Hard to keep that up though.

Andy Latham said...

If I ever get to be in charge of somewhere, I'm going to do the very same thing as you did. I suspect "crunch time" merely a result of bad planning in the first place. And as it's the "norm" for animation, then things will always be badly planned.

I want a life. Or is that what the old Disney animators really meant by "the illusion of life"? Maybe it had nothing to do with the art of animation, but rather that animators only appear to have a life.

susan said...

OH gosh, this was brilliant. You guys would hate me. I actually function better when it's dark outside and wintery. I cannot handle all that sunshine! ;-(

I am even my most creative during this time. IN the summer I cannot do anything!

So Bitter, when you become ruler of the Universe, will you let me stay awake an play in the moonlight and make snow angels?

And make another human who feels the same that I can share it with? ;-)

Red Pill Junkie said...

"If I ever run for Ruler Of The Known Universe, that will be one of my core policies."

Dude, you've got MY vote!

"Or is that what the old Disney animators really meant by "the illusion of life"? Maybe it had nothing to do with the art of animation, but rather that animators only appear to have a life."

That's hilarious because it's so true :)

AnonymousGerbil said...

I have to agree with Susan...

I start to "malfunction" when temp gets over 15'c (must be some kind of manufacturing flaw). I stay up at nights, and for years I have been hatching my own reverse hibernation plan where I'd just sleep whole summers off :/

I propose revised plan where nocturnal people would go to the southern hemisphere enjoy darkness/cool air when there's winter. Daily people would stick to the northern hemisphere same time. And when seasons change, people would swap places too from north to south and vice versa ;)

susan said...

Thank you Gerbil! ;-)

I do so much want to move to Alaska.....

Ryan Carpentier said...

Great post.

I am dreading the Wisconsin winter that looms before me.... !


Mr. Trombley said...

Dear Sir,

I've used one of your pictures as an illustration for a limerick on my blog. I had to, since the limerick concerns you. I used the happiest picture I could find in my all-too-short backtrack through your blog as I felt I should put your best foot forward.

Of course, if you don't want to be associated with such bad poetry I'll remove the picture and limerick.