Monday, May 24, 2010

How many drafts?

I'm rapidly losing the will to live.

The reason I didn't want to write on this project was that I thought it was utter cack. Why would I spend my effort trying to turn something awful into something slightly less awful? Seems like a losing battle.

So I'm not writing it.

But, by the looks of what I am being given to read, nor is anyone else. I need to not even be aware of this project's existence. I need it to go away.

Go away piece of shit project with your shit writers. Go away.


susan said...

Umm, I didn't know teddies could write. But maybe that is Misery Bear?

Bitter, don't loose the will to live. Think of it as a kidney stone. This too shall pass.

Bitter Animator said...

Oh he didn't write the scripts. That's Mr.Fluffyfeatures. He works here. He's rising up the ranks and will be taking the role I don't want to take so we talk about the scripts quite a bit.

Red Pill Junkie said...

"He's rising up the ranks and will be taking the role I don't want to take so we talk about the scripts quite a bit."

Wouldn't that go against the 'Stuffed Animals Exploitation Act"? You don't want to mess with their union leader, amigo ;)