Yeah I said it. Lazy. The lot of you.
Oh but we work such long hours! We have to work weekends at crunch time!
Maybe if you didn't spend so much time sitting on your asses talking about whatever it is you geeks talk about (is it Warcraft?) or doing poor Ricky Gervais impressions then you wouldn't always be so far behind schedule.
Hmm..Im not sure 3d animators actually do the rendering. Thats for the lighting people to do. Lazy? What are you basing this on?
I'm basing it on observations of 3D animators in their natural habitat. Those who do the animation love rendering 'previews'. The longer the better.
So they get more time for their Ricky Gervais impressions.
I wonder if 2D animators used to be like that in the days when they had to send off their drawings for a test shot to be made?
Actually 2D animators tend to spend a lot of time caricaturing their workmates from what I can tell. Maybe the Ricky Gervais impressions are the 3D animator's version of that! I'll keep out of the "is it time wasting" argument though!
Rendering previews only takes a long time when you have textures, hair, fur, lighting, reflections, caustics, refrations, etc.. in a scene. An animator can look at the animaion real time on his screen. The animator animates on the model before any textures or lighting are in the scene so I think youre just misinformed or just making blind assumptions. By your logic, painters are lazy because they have to let the oil paints dry before they can work on it again, or potters are lazy because they have to bake the pottery, or 2d animators are lazy because they have to shoot their scenes on a lunchbox or even worse, send it overseas for a Korean to animate for them.. Not sure about the Ricky Gervais thing though, had to look him up on google. Ive seen extras but never heard anyone try to do an impression..Must be an English thing..
I've worked in studios with 3D departments on and off for about the last seven years including doing it myself. But, yeah... misinformed.
You are totally shutting out a lot of talented artists by making a blanket statement like that.
Computer animators in the US are known for their work ethic. Instead of calling all computer animators lazy maybe you should focus that energy back into your own work. The work on this blog SUCKS. You obviously can't draw hands or feet, or decent facial expressions, and that hatching thing is super distracting. Most of the 3D guys I know can draw circles around you son.
Wow. Rattled a few cages it seems. Seems you may be taking this just a little too seriously. Just a tad.
As for my drawings, yes, something doesn't add up, eh? My drawings here are obviously rubbish and yet my skills have been sought after for quite some time. I guess that leaves a couple of possibilities - a) employers don't know bad from good and hire me even though I'm clearly rubbish (quite possible), b) this blog is hardly a showcase of my work and I only have several minutes a week to put stuff here, what with being in full-time employment for those same skills, and I have another blog out there with my real name attached which actually has my professional work on it.
Likely a combination of the two.
But thanks for the visit!
Oh, by the way, seeing as it's needed, I'll go through this in more detail on the blog in a few days, if you can be arsed coming back for it.
Wow, you really are "bitter"
Maybe it's C: you are an unemployed animator who couldn't adapt to the changing world of animation and enjoys making fun of all those "3D nerds" who are more talented than you'll ever be.
Anyway, I'm just happy you admitted that these cartoons look like crap.
Jeez, man. That's harsh.
Wow it seems you hit a nerve here Bitter!
I may be wrong, but aren't animators (3D or otherwise) supposed to have a sense of humour?!
Well, I still don't feel like I started the harshness, but I apologize for getting personal.
Let's all be friends again, I think we can all on the same team here...
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