Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just time for some quick bragging

Snowed under today. Not literally - the snow here went all wet and slushy this morning. Nah, I mean with work. Crisis after crisis. On top of the current apocalypse, word from the next lined up project isn't good. Recessions, cutbacks, nerves and so on. Ah well. Feck it, eh? Who cares?

It's not all bad news. The most excellent Brian Sibley (author, broadcaster and more) had a caption contest over at his (also most excellent) blog - look ma!I won! (scroll down a bit) Go me! Thanks to Mr. Sibley for the image, the contest and introducing me to that Wordle thing, which is great.


Andy Latham said...

Congratulations! At least something is going right!

Harriet said...

Yay for you! Great caption.

Red Pill Junkie said...

LOL, you definitely deserved it :)

Brian Sibley said...

You did indeed - maybe you could animate the scene!

Omaniblog said...

I went looking to see what caption you'd made but couldn't figure it out. So I'm left wondering?

Bitter Animator said...

Oh, it's right at the bottom of the page now and will drop off with the next post. Looks like Mr.Sibley doesn't have permalinks so here's the caption -

"You couldn't just go for a bloody goldfish, could you? Not good enough for you! No, you had to have an icthyosaurus! You had to be special! Well, now everybody on the bloody street has one, even Mrs. Tiddlepot. Ate 'er bloomin' cat, didn't it? Broke her little heart that did. Bet you don't feel so special now, eh? Eh?!"

Brian Sibley said...

Here's the link to Bitter Animator's
wining competition entry...