Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
The New Adventures of Astro Andy
Hopefully, you'll be able to click the images for ones that are easy to read.

If clicking on those doesn't work, they're here too -
Friday, April 25, 2008
Hitting my limit

I was always a B student who was prone to getting Cs. Not As. No, I was never that good. Never best at anything. But decent, and that meant high expectations. Why wasn't I getting As? Where did this C come from?
Of course the dumbass students who failed consistently got a bloody party any time they scraped a D.
But, now, my Bs, which slipped to Cs, have slipped all the way down to fail. I'm in a bigger pool. Of people with actual talent. I can't compete any more. I'm done.
And yet there is something oddly familiar about that feeling of inadequacy. It's almost comfortable. Like I'd rather be that fail student who gets the cake for just getting his name right on a paper.
The rejection I got yesterday didn't even come with a letter. It came with a card. A little rejection card.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
But what am I going home to?

These rejection letters are full of apologies. Apologies for the stock letter. Sorry for the bad news. We regret to inform you... and so on. It's like if you're beating someone over the head with a mallet and you're apologising while doing it - if you really meant it, you'd stop before their head was just a bloody mess at your feet. Then you'd buy them, I don't know, flowers or something. It might have to be something better depending on when you stopped beating them.
Every single one of them has been a stock letter. Actually, I think the number of letters I got so far has already exceeded the number of submissions I made. I think I'm being rejected in advance.
And, yes, some of them didn't even have the decency to write my name on the letter. Re: Your Submission my hole.
I'm such a loser.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Home time

Monday, April 21, 2008
The graveyard

But, in reality, what I have ended up with is a big folder full of unfinished Flash files. Barely started actually. Usually I draw a face. And then I'm bored.
Must... finish... something.
See this is why I like single drawings. That one above? Yeah okay, it might be rubbish but it's finished. That counts for something. Doesn't it?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Why so fast?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The Kings of the Children's Channels

Monday, April 14, 2008
The real video nasties

Friday, April 11, 2008
Why we need film censors

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Politically Correct
Monday, April 7, 2008
We've been observing your Earth

"People are fundamentally greedy."
This was one of the comments on my last post. I disagree. I believe, yeah, there's greed in us but there's also much more. But, right now, the few with the higher capacity for greed are manipulating us, bringing that greed to the fore for their own gain. Pushing the view that we should be greedy.
Almost all advertising is telling us that we should have everything we want. Not we as people. We as the one individual watching and just that individual. Because you're worth it. Don't worry about everyone else - it's you that matters and why the hell shouldn't you have everything you want? This message drives consumerism and also lands people in money traps. To use an old cliche, it creates wage slaves.
Some people even apply the bullshit 'trickle down' theory to happiness, saying if you are happy, that will rub off on other people or it's all about getting the individual happy and, eventually, you'll get to everyone. Like economics, the flaw is that the people at the top are doing their damndest to make sure not a shred trickles down. That's the greed.
Most self-help books are about blinding yourself to the shit in the world and convincing yourself you're happy in your own little blind bubble.
That's bullshit.
I don't believe any person on this planet should be happy as long as one person suffers. But, as it happens, people do walk around in their blind bubbles. I guess they have to. If we were always consciously aware of the hideous things going on with other people, we'd drive ourselves crazy. But that's being taken too far and people are cashing in on that. Diversion tactics, nurturing and feeding that greed, and a bombardment of information to create confusion. And we're falling for it.
So, yeah, aliens observing our planet would have a hard time finding something good.
But I believe this is just one part of us that is currently being exploited. I believe we're so much better than that. I believe we also have generosity, compassion, love and other cheesy emotional stuff inside us and I think that's just as strong as the greed. But those in power, as power itself draws the greedier people, are manipulating the negative.
What's worse is the apathy that this is creating. People are fundamentally greedy. Andy I'm going to call you out and say shame on you. By accepting the negative and just getting on with things, it allows them to happen. People hear of atrocities and think, well, that's people for you, eh? Rather than, we should be better than that. If it's taken as a given that we're all a bunch of assholes, how could we possibly be any better? It's a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Well, I say fuck that.
I want those hippies back. I want to unite the world in love. I don't want anyone to rest until every single person on this planet is happy. I want us to be better. I want us to be some kitsch vision of the future where we wear white sheets and flowers in our hair. I want us to take baths of course and I want us to be beautiful. Because that's what we can be.
Let's be beautiful. Then we can really call those occupants of interstellar craft.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Calling occupants of interstellar craft

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Where are the animation writers?

This is something I wondered when going through the blogs I read. I can find loads of blogs on animation from the drawing end, animators, cartoonists and so on but just one on animation writing.
And yet every show has a team of animation writers. Where are they? Why aren't they talking about their craft? Where are the animation writers' message boards?
I love writing. I have nothing but admiration for writers generally, especially comedy writers. I think that writing well takes skill, talent and a knowledge of the craft that most people will just never get. And there are some fantastic writer's websites and blogs out there. Just not from animation writers.
So, if writers in other forms have a web presence, it can't be due to my first thought which was - maybe they're just solitary creatures, as many writers are?
Is it that they haven't a real interest in cartoons? They're just hoping to get the paychecks in while they hawk that movie script around? Are they ashamed of what they do? Or maybe it's that a huge amount of cartoons are dictated by producers, broadcasters and the interests of global co-productions so the writers are hired as little more than typists. In that scenario, there's damn all to talk about. But, really, I just don't know.
I know a couple of animation writers. I'll ask them. If you know any or can track some down, ask them - why are they invisible?
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
April Fools Day

They're not. Funny, I mean. Clowns.
I was thinking of making something up and posting it as an April Fool thingy. Like I was really Glen Keane or something. But then I thought, wouldn't it be great if this day was used for good news?
Like - "Ha! April Fool! There never was an Iraq War! Totally had you going there didn't I? Yeah, like you totally thought people had died. Man, should have seen your face."
Or - "April Fool! There's no such thing as cancer! We've been hiding those relatives you thought were dead in a nice ski resort! There's no big bad disease to be afraid of, but you thought there was, right? Right?"
That sort of thing. Unfortunately, I can't offer that. I'd love to and I would if I could. But I'm sure there will be some funny stories floating around the internet today. But it has me reminiscing about the days of the mythical Street Fighter 2 Shen Long code that always surfaced on this day many years ago. Those were the days.