Was it Watchmen? Did Watchmen have me count the years back to when I first read it, not as a tiny child but as a young man? Twenty years ago. I wasn't even sure I'd even live to be twenty.
I did though. And then I lived to be thirty in a ridiculously short space of time. I mean, some say it was ten years but, no, it was much shorter than that. I'm now plummetting towards forty. Not long now.
Not long now.
I haven't yet changed the world. Made it a better place. Maybe next year. First, I've got to write this poxy script.
The guy who played Nite Owl is my age. So it would seem I have only 4 years to conquer the world :-/
The only good thing about my line of work(Architecture/Interior Design) is that you're not supposed to get any good until you're over 50. Frank Lloyd Wright began to do his most interesting work on his seventies; and Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer, who almost single-handedly invented the modern urban landscape of his country, is over 100 years old, an still productive!
There are two kinds of artists/innovators: The Picassos (boy prodigies who reach the pinnacle of their talent and success in their youth); and the Cezannes (late achievers, who gradually reach their pinnacle through slow experimentation).
So I wasn't a Picasso. So fucking what. I will settle with becoming a Cezanne :)
I'm stampeding through my 20s at a disturbing speed, so god knows what my 30s will be like if it's as short as people say! I want to move to the US or Canada one day and that becomes a lot harder when you hit 30. Why 30? It really feels like a Logan's Run situation.
What's worse is you hear of people doing great things at such early ages. Why is such a difficult thing to think "good for you"?! ;)
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