Sleep has never really been my thing. It takes me a long time to fall asleep and then, well, this is what the morning looks like. I wake usually a few times a night and it's clear I did not have a calm, relaxing night.
It is like a battle took place around, and in, my bed.
I could sleep for 12 hours but I always feel guilty for sleeping too much. As a kid I always wanted to sleep in and now that I can, I just feel like I'd be sleeping my life away or screwing my pattern up.
Looks like you're fanning your genitals with the window's breeze.
Dear Sir,
This reminds me of a song, though one only thematically related:
PS. I saw The Dark Knight on it's opening day, and it was as good as everyone says it is.
Almost as good as Wall E
I haven't seen either yet but I'll probably end up putting the Dark Knight at the top of my viewing priority list. It looks wonderful.
Oh, and Mr.T, there is something absolutely captivating about that video. You know, I should really set up a board/forum thingy so we could discuss stuff like that...
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